27th October – Fantastic to see Oakham full of people enjoying themselves in the sunshine at the Rutland Food Festival! Such a variety of delicious food & drink – the whole town was buzzing. Thanks all who organised, had stalls & attended.
Poppy appeal launch
October 26th – The launch of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal took place yesterday at Beaumanor Hall. A moving ceremony & great opportunity to meet veterans, especially Lillian Latham, and to watch Mike Kapur Leiceter’s Lord-Lieutenant present medals to Gordon Bennett.
Oakham (will be) in Bloom!
Planning for a beautiful spring and pollen for bees: Oakham in Bloom planted thousands of crocus bulbs outside Oakham library. Bulbs were given by Rotary as part of the “Purple4polio” campaign to rid the world of polio.
St John’s Ambulance awards
26th October: The St John Ambulance Leicestershire & Rutland group recognised years of selfless voluntary service at a presentation evening. Congratulations to Karen Upton, 32 years service, John Kershaw 32 years & John Fox who has served 47 years!
Hanging about in Oakham?
16th October: I only discovered today that in Oakham’s Rutland Museum there is the only surviving ‘new style’ drop gallows in UK! A bit gruesome … they were portable but not good at breaking necks cleanly, because the drop was too short. So the criminals were strangled instead! First used in 1813 on two burglars. The museum is full of fascinating things and the visit is free.
Rutland children and the Pied Piper…
October 15th: All 21 state schools in Rutland had musicians taking part in tonight’s concert at De Montfort Hall. 500 participants & splendid music. A world premiere of Pied Piper brilliantly composed by Peter Davis of Oakham School. Congratulations! A well deserved standing ovation.
Happy Birthday Rutland Museum!
Happy 50th to Rutland Museum in Oakham. Thanks for a great party, fizz, barbecue, band, lights & some Halloween displays! Congratulations to all museum staff & volunteers for a great evening. The exhibition on the history of local education was fascinating too.
History at Oakham Castle
11th October: The Battle of Hastings was brought alive for pupils of Catmose College yesterday at Oakham Castle. Pupils learnt not just about chronology of battle but also what life was really like under the Normans. Great use of castle grounds & example of learning being fun.
An unsung hero!
October 10th – Congratulations to Joyce Bird of Ketton, Rutland who won Smallman & Son Unsung Hero Award at the rural achievement awards for Leicestershire & Rutland. A well deserved honour.
Celebrating Rutland Women
I was delighted to attend Rutland County Council’s women’s event today – Rutland Women 2019. Women from all over the East Midland region attended (plus two brave men!). 74% of RCC staff are women, as are Rutland’s High Sheriff and yours truly as Lord Lieutenant. We are proud of Rutland! Thanks also to Helen Briggs, RCC’s CEO.